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  • Saudi Japanese blue ammonia shipment highlights the ‘successful partnership’ between the 2 countries

Saudi Japanese blue ammonia shipment highlights the ‘successful partnership’ between the 2 countries

A picture taken on January 17, 2016 shows the headquarters of Saudi Basic Industries Corporation (SABIC) in the Saudi capital Riyadh. (AFP)
A picture taken on January 17, 2016 shows the headquarters of Saudi Basic Industries Corporation (SABIC) in the Saudi capital Riyadh. (AFP)
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23 Oct 2020 06:10:23 GMT9
23 Oct 2020 06:10:23 GMT9

Faris Alrushud Riyadh

Being an energy leader in a world of changing energy demand, Saudi Aramco embraces its role to find effective energy solutions.

Last month, Saudi Aramco and the Institute of Energy Economics Japan (IEEJ) collaborated with SABIC to send the first shipment of blue ammonia from Saudi Arabia to Japan to be used for generating zero-carbon power.

 The shipment contained forty tons of high-grade blue ammonia.

The first shipment of blue ammonia in the world is an important opportunity for the energy leader to showcase the potential of hydrocarbons as a reliable source of low-carbon hydrogen and ammonia.

This achievement also highlights the successful partnership between Saudi Arabia and Japan.

The Saudi Japanese blue ammonia supply network stretches across the full value chain. This includes converting hydrocarbons into hydrogen and then into ammonia, and at the same time, capturing CO2-related emissions.

The blue ammonia is critical to Japan’s zero carbon emission ambitions to sustain the balance between the environment and the economy. About 10 percent of power in Japan can be generated by 30 million tons of blue ammonia.

Japan can start with co-firing blue ammonia in existing power stations, eventually transitioning to single firing with 100 percent blue ammonia.

Such international partnerships are essential in implementing the concept of circular carbon economy, supported by Saudi Arabia during its current presidency of the G20.

It also highlights one of several pathways within the concept of a global circular carbon economy, a framework in which CO2 emissions are reduced, removed, recycled and reused – as opposed to being released into the atmosphere.

Some nations like Japan cannot necessarily utilize Carbon Capture and Storage (CCS) or (EOR) due to their geological conditions. But the carbon-neutral blue ammonia/hydrogen will help overcome this disadvantage.

The announcement of the shipment comes amid growing appreciation of the role hydrogen will play in the global energy system. Ammonia, a compound consisting of three parts hydrogen and one-part nitrogen, can contribute to addressing the challenge of meeting the world’s growing energy needs in a reliable, affordable and sustainable manner.

According to Saudi Aramco, shipping challenges were overcome with 30 tons of CO2 captured during the process designated for use in methanol production at one of SABIC’s facilities and another 20 tons of captured CO2 being used for Enhanced Oil Recovery at Aramco’s field.

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