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  • Toshiba to nearly triple number of AI engineers

Toshiba to nearly triple number of AI engineers

Toshiba chairman and CEO Nobuaki Kurumatani attends a press conference in Tokyo on November 8, 2018. (AFP)
Toshiba chairman and CEO Nobuaki Kurumatani attends a press conference in Tokyo on November 8, 2018. (AFP)
07 Nov 2019 07:11:20 GMT9
07 Nov 2019 07:11:20 GMT9


Japanese electronics and machinery giant Toshiba Corp. said Thursday that it will raise the number of its artificial intelligence engineers by threefold to about 2,000 by fiscal 2022 on a group basis from some 750 at present.

The company has developed a training program to foster AI experts, jointly with the University of Tokyo’s Graduate School of Information Science and Technology.

Toshiba, which aims to accelerate AI-related research and development in the hope of better utilizing big data, plans to increase AI engineers by introducing the program for group employees in December and hiring new employees, company officials said.

Jiji Press

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