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  • Hitachi develops “Hyperloop” digital simulator

Hitachi develops “Hyperloop” digital simulator

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25 Jun 2022 03:06:27 GMT9
25 Jun 2022 03:06:27 GMT9

TOKYO: Hitachi Ltd. said Friday that it has developed a digital simulator for a “hyperloop” next-generation transportation system for travel at speeds of up to 1,200 kilometers per hour.

The digital simulator is expected to help make hyperloop development more efficient and lower maintenance costs by conducting tests on signaling and traffic management systems on the cloud.

The simulator has been jointly developed by railway system subsidiary Hitachi Rail and Hyperloop Transportation Technologies, based in the United States and elsewhere.

The simulator is planned to be integrated with physical infrastructure, shifting to a test of the entire system on actual tracks.

In a hyperloop system, a magnetic levitation train travels at high speeds in a vacuum tube. Since entrepreneur Elon Musk presented the concept in 2013, European and US companies have been competing to realize it.

JIJI Press

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