DUBAI: As the Osaka Expo is fast approaching, merchandise featuring the official character of the Osaka/Kansai Expo 2025, is starting to pop up on all sorts of items.
Japanese sportwear company Mizuno recently released a collection of shoes, with a focus on the blue and red mascot.
The MIZUNO ENERZY OSAKA EXPO 2025 is an adult shoe with MyakuMyaku as its motif. The special pair is based on concept model THE MIZUNO ENERZY, which is a unique high-rebound material.
The irregular surface of the midsole of the original show and the high affinity of MyakuMyaku, led to many employees suggesting that it would be interesting to combine the two.
According to the sports brand, the expo shoes use the softest and most resilient material, giving the wearer a comfortable fit.
The rear foot also absorbs the impact of landing and supports the transfer of body weight to the front foot. The high resilience of the front foot supports powerful kicking, and you can expect smooth footwork from landing to kicking.
Other products include the “SETTA C/6 MyakuMyaku,” which is based on the ‘SETTA C/6’, a product of the collaboration between the Nara zetta manufacturer ‘Yamato Kobo’ and Mizuno.
The insole of the zetta uses carbon fiber reinforced plastic. The arch shape, with a high toe and a lowered midfoot, achieves a rolling sensation and elastic comfort. The footbed is also made of a cool linen-like fabric, and the midsole is made of low-rebound foam polyurethane.
Mizuno also designed children’s shoes, including the “MIZUNO PLAMORE INFANT 2 OSAKA EXPO2025” and “MIZUNO PLAMORE KIDS 2 OSAKA EXPO2025,” which are based on the “MIZUNO PLAMORE” series.
The upper part is decorated with a design system, giving it a pop look. The insole features a design of Myaku Myaku.
The shoes are already available for pre-order and will be available along with other items for purchase starting April 13.