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Saudi ambassador presents credentials to Japan Emperor

The Saudi ambassador received a warm welcome in Tokyo as dozens lined up as he arrived to meet  Naruhito. (@KSAembassyJP on x)
The Saudi ambassador received a warm welcome in Tokyo as dozens lined up as he arrived to meet  Naruhito. (@KSAembassyJP on x)
Short Url:
24 May 2024 12:05:13 GMT9
24 May 2024 12:05:13 GMT9

Arab News Japan

DUBAI: Ambassador of the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia to Japan Ghazi Faisal Binzagr presented his credentials as Ambassador Extraordinary to Japan’s Emperor Naruhito in Tokyo on Thursday. 

Binzagr conveyed his gratitude to X, saying, “I had the honor of presenting my credentials as Ambassador Extraordinary to his majesty.”

Binzagr greeted the Japanese Emperor and showed his appreciation for King Salman and the Crown Prince. He shared that the Saudi government wishes for progress and prosperity for the government and people of Japan.

The Saudi ambassador received a warm welcome in Tokyo as dozens lined up as he arrived to meet the Japanese Emperor .

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