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  • Japan vows to reinforce ties with Britain after change of govt

Japan vows to reinforce ties with Britain after change of govt

Britain's Labour Party leader Keir Starmer delivers a speech during a victory rally at the Tate Modern in London early on July 5, 2024. (AFP)
Britain's Labour Party leader Keir Starmer delivers a speech during a victory rally at the Tate Modern in London early on July 5, 2024. (AFP)
Short Url:
05 Jul 2024 02:07:04 GMT9
05 Jul 2024 02:07:04 GMT9

TOKYO: The Japanese government is willing to boost ties with Britain even after a change of government there, Chief Cabinet Secretary HAYASHI Yoshimasa said Friday.

“Japan and Britain are important partners who share values and principles,” Hayashi told a press conference.

He said Japan will work together with Britain to ensure a free and open Indo-Pacific and address international challenges including in the Middle East and Ukraine.

The comments by Hayashi come as the Labour Party is expected to take power in Britain after Thursday’s general election following 14 years of Conservative Party rule.

JIJI Press

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