TOKYO: Environment Minister Shinjiro Koizumi said July 31 he has proposed to a government panel that Japan should aim to achieve a decarbonized society in 2050 by moving up the current target on reductions in greenhouse gas emissions.
This is the first time that Koizumi has specifically proposed 2050 as a new target year.
The proposal was made at a meeting on July 30 of the Council on Investments for the Future, Koizumi told a press conference.
Japan’s existing plan calls for reducing emissions of greenhouse gases by 80 percent by 2050 and realizing a decarbonized society, where emissions are effectively zero, at the earliest possible time in the second half of the 21st century.
Koizumi said he wants to use every opportunity to show that a decarbonized society should be achieved earlier than the government target.
JIJI Press