Arab News Japan
Tokyo’s Metropolitan Government (TMG) launched an initiative with the aim of making Japan’s capital a global financial center by promoting the FinTech industry.
As part of the “Global Financial City: Tokyo” Vision, TMG also launched the Tokyo Metropolitan Accelerator Program “FinTech Program: Asia meets Tokyo” for FinTech startups in Asia.
The initiative received applications from 52 companies from nine different countries in Asia. TMG selected eight FinTech organizations to participate in the program, in which they will pitch their business plans, receive mentoring and take part in other business matching activities.
The program will be streamed online from Jan. 18 until Jan. 25. Speakers at the event include KOIKE Yuriko, Governor of Tokyo and Mr. MATSUMOTO Oki, Monex Group, Inc. Chairman& CEO.
The startups come from Asian countries like Singapore, Hong Kong and India. Below is the list the eight companies participating in the initiative:
1. AIDA Technologies – Singapore
Digital solutions for insurance operations that utilize artificial intelligence and machine learning, which contributes to improving the profitability of insurance companies by detecting fraudulent claims and overclaims in health insurance, and automating underwriting and agency management.
2. AIZEN Asia Pacific – Singapore
A new credit scoring system through a multi-dimensional AI model that utilizes alternative data such as purchase data, which contributes to diversification of financing methods and improvement of credit risk.
3. Allinfra Ventures Limited – Hong Kong
Helps to mitigate the risks associated with green investment, using a blockchain-based environmental platform to improve financial positions and ESG scores.
4. CoverGo – Hong Kong
Services that realize fast development of new functions and workflow reforms for the digitization of all insurance business including contract management, billing, and new product sales, using a highly flexible insurance platform equipped with more than 500 APIs.
5. IBSFINtech India Pvt Ltd. – India
Comprehensive risk management solutions to effectively manage information on FX, finance, and trade finance, and enhance the global operations of group companies.
6. Intensel – Hong Kong
Cloud-based SaaS solutions that can analyze climate risks related to client companies’ assets using dynamic climate models, satellite data, and high-accuracy financial models.
7. – Singapore
Inexpensive, highly flexible custom map solutions utilizing company data that can be used for transportation, logistics, smart city related business, etc.
8. Tookitaki – Singapore
AML analysis solutions via a unique machine learning model that automatically selects risk indicators from ever-changing customer behavior and detects suspicious transactions without using personal information or setting specific thresholds
Reservation is required prior to the event. Those interested can register at the URL below: