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Japanese police agency introduces new emergency system.

Japan’s national police agency introduces a new non-conventional safety system. (Shutterstock)
Japan’s national police agency introduces a new non-conventional safety system. (Shutterstock)
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17 Nov 2022 12:11:34 GMT9
17 Nov 2022 12:11:34 GMT9

Chantal Fouad

DUBAI: Japan’s national police agency introduces a new non-conventional safety system that alleviates peoples’ concerns about complications and miscommunications when it comes to reporting crimes. Trials for the practicality and success of the system started on Oct. 1st.

Barriers in communication can sometimes take place when reporting crimes; it could be the result of the pressuring situation depending on the severity of the crime or it could be because of a simpler reason such as an existing language barrier between the reporter and the individual reporting the crime.

The system has a simple mechanism that is based on a video reporting structure where the police are visually able to assess the situation and severity.

When a call is made to 110, the police emergency number, an SMS is automatically sent to the caller’s phone with a link that sets up a video connection.

Uploading photos or videos will also be an option to further provide sufficient information and evidence of an alleged crime.

Like any other technologically reliant system it surely has limitations.

Two main drawbacks to they system are the risk of losing valuable time as users must first agree to the terms such as waiving, and copyrights of the images and it doesn’t take into consideration that some users may not be using a smartphone; the system is not compatible with feature phones.

Despite its drawbacks, the system surely has a better screening process when it comes to the severity of a crime making the emergency response more efficient and therefore potentially increasing safety.

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