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Ghosn to speak online to correspondents in Tokyo

Former Nissan Motor Co. Chairman Carlos Ghosn.
Former Nissan Motor Co. Chairman Carlos Ghosn.
Short Url:
14 Jul 2023 09:07:20 GMT9
14 Jul 2023 09:07:20 GMT9

TOKYO: The Foreign Correspondents’ Club of Japan said Friday that former Nissan Motor Co. Chairman Carlos Ghosn, who has fled Japan while on bail awaiting trial, will participate in a press conference online on Tuesday.

Ghosn, 69, will speak about a 1-billion-dollar damages lawsuit he has filed with a court in Lebanon against the Japanese automaker and others for alleged defamation and falsification of key evidence, according to the FCCJ.

In Japan, Ghosn is charged with violating the financial instruments and exchange law.

His lawyer, Nobuo Gohara, will attend the press conference in person at the FCCJ in Tokyo.

JIJI Press

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