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Iranians win prizes as Tokyo International Film Festival closes

(ANJ/ Pierre Boutier)
(ANJ/ Pierre Boutier)
(ANJ/ Pierre Boutier)
(ANJ/ Pierre Boutier)
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02 Nov 2023 08:11:52 GMT9
02 Nov 2023 08:11:52 GMT9

Arab News Japan

TOKYO: The Tokyo International Film Festival ended on Wednesday after 10 days of movie screenings and events in central Tokyo, with Pema Tseden’s “Snow Leopard” taking the Grand Prix prize and Iranian Israeli collaboration “Tatami” getting the Special Jury Prize.

Zar Amir also took the Best Actress Prize for her performance in “Tatami.” She commented: “This movie ‘Tatami’ has a Japanese name but is a universal issue of how we can be brave enough to overcome hatred.”

Guy Nattiv, the co-director of “Tatami” put the movie into perspective when he said: “Tatami is an homage to the Japanese tradition of honoring your opponent. It’s also the first collaboration between Israelis and Iranians. We did what our governments are trying to prevent us from doing – collaborate and become brothers and sisters. So, thank you for acknowledging that, for seeing the movie for what it is, for us and the world. We are living right now in a very difficult situation, so I hope this film is a little light in this dark tunnel.”

Iran also picked up a second award when Yasna Mirtahmasb won the prize for Best Actor in “Roxana.”

The Best Director prize went to Japan’s KISHI Yoshiyuki for “(Ab)normal Desire,” which was also awarded the Audience Award. 

The Best Artistic Contribution Award went to Gao Peng for “A Long Shot.”

The Festival screened 219 films, an increase over the 174 shown last year, with 74,841 admissions (more than double the 2022 admissions) and another 73,081 attending related events.

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