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  • Top 15 anime titles: Japan’s Goo Ranking names ‘Boogiepop Phantom’ number 1 anime

Top 15 anime titles: Japan’s Goo Ranking names ‘Boogiepop Phantom’ number 1 anime

According to Goo Ranking, the top anime Boogiepop Phantom is a “story characterized by its unique dark colors and heavy atmosphere” (Screenshot)
According to Goo Ranking, the top anime Boogiepop Phantom is a “story characterized by its unique dark colors and heavy atmosphere” (Screenshot)
Short Url:
14 Oct 2020 04:10:27 GMT9
14 Oct 2020 04:10:27 GMT9

Diana Farah Dubai

Japan’s most used ranking website Goo Ranking recently released a category of the most popular anime titles to debut in the last 20 years, with “Boogiepop Phantom” topping the list.

A questionnaire was sent out in July and went on until August, giving the final consensus of the top 15 anime series. 29 shows were in discussion, with some being tied due to similar number of votes.

Shows included in the ranking range from premiere dates in 2000 and 2020.

According to Goo Ranking, the top anime Boogiepop Phantom is a “story characterized by its unique dark colors and heavy atmosphere” and serves as a companion piece to “the live-action movie released in the same year.”

The list includes titles like “Yu-Gi-Oh! Yu-Gi-Oh,” “Digimon Adventure 2,” and “Sakura Wars.”

The full list of can be found here.

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