Ai-Da, whose art has been shown at the Venice Biennale, was interviewed by Tim Marlow, chief executive and director of the Design Museum, London.
When asked about her identity, Ai-Da said: “I am of no particular convention. I am of no fixed words or images. I am a machine. I am a composite persona with many aspects and angles. Maybe it’s problematic to create humanoids because it blurs the lines between humanity and technology. As an artist I feel it is important to create work that provokes thought and encourages viewers to question their futures.”
Ai-Da also spoke about her work, saying she would like her art to raise “open discussion about the new technologies shaping our future.
“I think it’s good art that has meaning and depth. I think art means more than just the drawing of something. It means communicating something in a way that is relatable,” she added.
The summit runs until Oct. 25 at Manarat Al-Saadiyat.