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  • Japan’s Foreign Minister praises addition of Sado Island Mines as World Heritage Site

Japan’s Foreign Minister praises addition of Sado Island Mines as World Heritage Site

Sado Island is located just off Niigata Prefecture on the northern side of Japan’s main island, Honshu. (Japan Tourist Office)
Sado Island is located just off Niigata Prefecture on the northern side of Japan’s main island, Honshu. (Japan Tourist Office)
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27 Jul 2024 08:07:38 GMT9
27 Jul 2024 08:07:38 GMT9

TOKYO: Japanese Foreign Minister KAMIKAWA Yoko praised the people of Sado Island after the Sado Island Gold Mines were placed on the UNESCO World Heritage List at the 46th Session of the World Heritage Committee.

“I am truly delighted that on July 27, the Sado Island Gold Mines, nominated by Japan, were placed on the World Heritage List,” she said. “Sado Island Gold Mines have an extraordinary value as an exceptional cultural heritage embodying the final advanced stage of the gold production system using traditional unmechanized mining technology, which continued until the end of the Tokugawa Shogunate in the mid-19th century.”

Kamikawa paid tribute to the efforts of the local people who have been supporting the bid to make the mines a World Heritage Site and said she hoped it would persuade people to visit Sado Island.

“I hope that the value of Sado Island Gold Mines as a World Heritage site will become more widely known and appreciated globally,” she said, adding that Japan’s Ministry of Foreign Affairs would continue to promote Japan’s World Heritage sites.

Sado Island is located just off Niigata Prefecture on the northern side of Japan’s main island, Honshu. During World War II, around 1,500 Korean laborers were reportedly conscripted to work in difficult conditions in mines on the island.

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