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  • Japan weather bureau reports possibility of El Nino not occurring through autumn

Japan weather bureau reports possibility of El Nino not occurring through autumn

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10 Jul 2020 04:07:56 GMT9
10 Jul 2020 04:07:56 GMT9

TOKYO:  Japan’s weather bureau said on July 10 there was a 60 percent chance of  El Nino (or La Nina) not occurring from now through the northern hemisphere autumn, but there was also a 40 percent chance that it would.

An El Nino phenomenon is a warming of the ocean surface temperatures in the eastern and central Pacific that typically happens every few years, sometimes causing crop damage, flash floods or fires in different regions of the world.

An El Nino weather event is characterised by unusually cold ocean temperatures in the equatorial Pacific Ocean region and is also linked with floods and drought.

Japan’s weather bureau also said, that although there have been signs of El Nino, it is not occurring now.  


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