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50 years on: Taiwan clouds mood ahead of Japan-China anniv.

A festive mood is lacking among Chinese people ahead of next week's 50th anniversary of the normalization of diplomatic relations between Japan and China, clouded by tensions over Taiwan and lingering COVID-19 restrictions. (Shutterstock)
A festive mood is lacking among Chinese people ahead of next week's 50th anniversary of the normalization of diplomatic relations between Japan and China, clouded by tensions over Taiwan and lingering COVID-19 restrictions. (Shutterstock)
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22 Sep 2022 08:09:34 GMT9
22 Sep 2022 08:09:34 GMT9

Beijing: A festive mood is lacking among Chinese people ahead of next week’s 50th anniversary of the normalization of diplomatic relations between Japan and China, clouded by tensions over Taiwan and lingering COVID-19 restrictions.

Although various symposiums and other events have been held so far this year, a senior official of a group promoting friendly bilateral ties pointed to the lack of excitement surrounding the Sept. 29 anniversary.

In 2012, which marked the 40th anniversary, many anti-Japanese protests were held in response to the Japanese government’s nationalization of the Senkaku Islands in the southernmost prefecture of Okinawa, which are also claimed by China.

The situation led to the cancellation of many commemorative events. The bilateral relationship was said to have sunk to its worst since the normalization.

Later, the relationship improved gradually through mutual efforts such as the visits between the two nations’ leaders.

The Japanese public’s image of China, however, deteriorated following the spread of the novel coronavirus, with the first COVID-19 case confirmed in China in December 2019.

The Taiwan situation and human rights issues within China then drove a deeper wedge between the two countries.

Chinese President Xi Jinping’s planned state visit to Japan, originally set for spring 2020, was put off due to the COVID-19 pandemic. The two countries have yet to set a date for it.

Beijing has recently become wary of Tokyo as it forges closer ties with Taiwan amid growing tensions caused by China’s enhanced military pressure on the self-governing island.

An official of a Chinese group for bilateral friendship, who was also involved in commemorative events in 2012, pointed to the absence of momentum in celebrating the 50th anniversary, despite initially expecting such a mood to rise for the landmark year.

Chinese people feel betrayed by Japan over Taiwan, the official said.

At the time of the 1972 normalization of the bilateral ties, Japan said that it understands and respects Beijing’s position that Taiwan is an integral part of Chinese territory.

The Global Times, a Chinese tabloid affiliated with the Communist Party of China newspaper People’s Daily, this month said that Japan “tends to turn its back” on its promise made 50 years ago.

Japan will be “able to create favorable conditions for the bilateral relations” only by keeping its promise, the Global Times also said.

Also behind the lack of a festive mood in China is the difficulty of Chinese and Japanese people visiting each other’s countries due to Beijing’s zero COVID-19 policy.

Tough restrictions on people’s movements in the country have prevented many events marking the 50th anniversary from being held.

A married couple in their 40s in Beijing said that a key reason for the tepid mood is the pandemic.

They said that although they would jump at an opportunity to go to Japan when possible, they are not interested in attending any 50th anniversary event.

Another Beijing resident said that celebrating anything is the last thing on people’s minds at a time when they are struggling to make ends meet due to the pandemic.

JIJI Press

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