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Algeria signs tax pact with Japan

The Convention is expected to boost investment and economic exchanges between the two countries while eliminating double taxation and preventing international tax evasion. (AFP)
The Convention is expected to boost investment and economic exchanges between the two countries while eliminating double taxation and preventing international tax evasion. (AFP)
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08 Feb 2023 04:02:28 GMT9
08 Feb 2023 04:02:28 GMT9

Arab News Japan

TOKYO: Algeria and Japan signed a tax treaty in Algiers on Tuesday that will help the two countries monitor and streamline tax collection and avoid double taxation.

The “Convention between Japan and the People’s Democratic Republic of Algeria for the Elimination of Double Taxation with Respect to Taxes on Income and the Prevention of Tax Evasion and Avoidance” was signed by KONO Akira, Ambassador of Japan to Algeria, and Brahim Kassali, Algeria’s Minister of Finance.  

The Convention aims to eliminate double taxation between the two countries and clarifies the scope of taxable income in the two countries. It also aims to enable the tax authorities of the two countries to “consult” each other on taxation, to exchange information concerning tax matters and to mutually lend assistance in the collection of tax claims. 

The Convention is expected to boost investment and economic exchanges between the two countries while eliminating double taxation and preventing international tax evasion. 

Taxation not covered by the provisions of the Convention will be resolved by mutual agreement between the tax authorities of the two countries. 

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