For man to find certainty, values, steadfastness and collective identity in an age characterized by turmoil, doubt and narrow conflicts of interests. For man to wake up to a future being shaped today by a well-established vision, the good of humanity and the interest of the planet as a whole at a time when even the most deeply entrenched values are subjected to the winds of political monetization and mobilization. For man to find three centuries of history characterized by tireless building, continuous fidelity and a great succession of leaders, men and women who devoted their lives to set the building blocks of the finished structure we see today. There is the identity, which explains building the human being and developing the land. There is the future, which means sacrificing today for the good and interest of future generations. There is loyalty, which harnesses the narrow interests of oneself to elevate noble goals. Then there is the homeland.
We did not leave room for our homeland to be caught in a tug of war due to the conflicts of interest and the arrogance of emergent intentions.
Nayef bin Marzouq Al-Fahadi
Celebrating Saudi Arabia’s Founding Day, in particular, means celebrating what has been entrenched in the citizens of this land, men or women, young or old, and what the people of the era specifically need in terms of being aware of the first pillar and acknowledging what generations, driven by faith alone, have had to endure for three centuries.
The concept of righteousness, on the banks of which the homeland’s flag and palm trees were planted, goes beyond sticking to what is politically correct and changing the notions and values as the current interest changes. It stemmed from a long-standing authentic culture adopted by men who truly believed in it with a renewed faith that never changed according to temporary opportunities. It originated from a divine message that became a part of our nature and guided our behavior before we even took our first step on this Earth.
Therefore, we did not let humanity be stolen by experiments and overwhelming whims. Similarly, we did not leave room for our homeland to be caught in a tug of war due to the conflicts of interest and the arrogance of emergent intentions.
I have not read a history that resembles that of this homeland and its long and rich line of men. It is as if the first men, imams and kings alike, worked as one determined entity. It is as if they agreed irrevocably to abide by a reference of authentic Arab and Islamic values. They did not deviate from the values of generosity and nobility. They stood tall in the face of their aggressors and were soft toward their brothers and friends. They were firm in the face of ignorance and chaos and soft toward agreement and development. It is as if three centuries were written on a single page in the book of the goodness of humanity, the righteousness of values and the certainty of the destination.
I rarely find a present as bright as my homeland’s on its Founding Day. I find it in the renewed meaning and the pride in an identity held by the land and its people. I find it in the words of its leader, King Salman. I find it in the hope represented by Crown Prince Mohammed bin Salman, as he embodies this pride in the Kingdom’s identity, history and values. We stand together on this one eternal day.