TOKYO: A charity bazaar hosted by the Japan Middle East and African Women’s Association was held on Thursday with participants from Palestine, Egypt, Syria, Iraq, Oman, and Morocco. Many African embassies took part in the bazaar.
Food, products, and handicrafts from Middle Eastern and African countries were displayed. Handmade goods included knitwear, dragonfly ball accessories, African clothing products, Christmas and New Year decorations, spices, Arabic artwork, and other items.
The Palestinian pavilion received a strong turnout from Japanese visitors and members of the Arab community, who expressed their admiration for the Palestinian products, embroidery, and popular dishes. Some Japanese also expressed their sympathy with the Palestinian people and offered suggestions for programs to support Gaza.
The Syrian pavilion, with many traditional products, was also popular with the visitors.
Some of the proceeds from the bazaar will be used to help children in the participants’ countries.