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Jeddah Season 2022 announces the launch of ‘Anime Village’

Fans of anime gathering at the launch of “Anime Village” in Jeddah Season 2022. (SPA)
Fans of anime gathering at the launch of “Anime Village” in Jeddah Season 2022. (SPA)
Fans of anime gathering at the launch of “Anime Village” in Jeddah Season 2022. (SPA)
Fans of anime gathering at the launch of “Anime Village” in Jeddah Season 2022. (SPA)
Fans of anime gathering at the launch of “Anime Village” in Jeddah Season 2022. (SPA)
Fans of anime gathering at the launch of “Anime Village” in Jeddah Season 2022. (SPA)
Fans of anime gathering at the launch of “Anime Village” in Jeddah Season 2022. (SPA)
Fans of anime gathering at the launch of “Anime Village” in Jeddah Season 2022. (SPA)
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20 May 2022 06:05:53 GMT9
20 May 2022 06:05:53 GMT9

Arab News Japan

The weeks-long entertainment and cultural festival in Saudi Arabia Jeddah Season 2022 announced the launch of the international anime event “Anime Village”  in the City Walk zone on Friday, providing pop-culture fans of all ages with an array of activities.

Anime Village included a multitude of Japanese shows, cultural events and concerts, which occurred in the presence of famous Japanese personalities.

The three-day event witnessed a large cosplay parade that included 50 models  in elaborate costumes, anime music shows, a concert by the artist Rasha Rizk, characters from Japanese anime such as Watch Otaku, and many other Japanese events.

Described as “the first of its kind in the world” by the state-run Saudi Press Agency (SPA), the event consisted of an immersive experience that expressed the city’s cultural, recreational and touristic diversity with a specific focus on anime and Japanese culture presented through the inclusion of Japanese restaurants, anime stores and plays.

In addition to having entertainers in creative costumes and retail stores, Jeddah Season’s Department allocated an hour from Sunday-Wednesday every week for young people to participate in educational activities that allow them to learn about the Japanese culture as well as international experiences in the field of anime.

Jeddah Season, which returns this year for its second edition following a two-year hiatus caused by the COVID-19 pandemic, continues throughout May and June. It includes a packed schedule of more than 2,800 events taking place across nine specially designated zones.

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