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  • Tokyo governor stresses importance of zero carbon emissions ahead of UAE’s COP28

Tokyo governor stresses importance of zero carbon emissions ahead of UAE’s COP28

Koike underlined the UAE’s leadership in hosting the climate summit and its role in helping the world achieve carbon neutrality by 2050. (Screengrab)
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24 Oct 2023 04:10:49 GMT9
24 Oct 2023 04:10:49 GMT9

DUBAI: Tokyo Governor KOIKE Yuriko stressed the importance of global responsibility to confront climate change in a message addressed ahead of the upcoming COP28.

In a video message, Koike underlined the UAE’s leadership in hosting the climate summit and its role in helping the world achieve carbon neutrality by 2050.

She explained that Tokyo was already exerting its efforts to half the city’s carbon emissions by half by 2030 and to realize a zero emission Tokyo by 2050.

“In order to reach these goals, and contribute to the worldwide goal to reach net zero carbon emissions by 2050, we are working with cities around the world and accelerating the use of renewable energy and hydrogen,” Koike added.

COP28 is set to begin on Nov. 30 and will take place at Dubai’s Expo City.

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