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  • Lunch packs gain popularity following Pizza Hut Japan collaboration

Lunch packs gain popularity following Pizza Hut Japan collaboration

This collaboration not only gives customers flavourful snacks in a pack but also gives them a taste of Yamazaki’s fluffy bread. (Pizza Hut/ Yamazaki)
This collaboration not only gives customers flavourful snacks in a pack but also gives them a taste of Yamazaki’s fluffy bread. (Pizza Hut/ Yamazaki)
Short Url:
17 Oct 2021 04:10:39 GMT9
17 Oct 2021 04:10:39 GMT9

Shams El-Mutwalli Dubai

Pizza Hut and Yamazaki Baking Company have collaborates to introduce lunch packs that are available to purchase in two flavours at various supermarkets.

Customers can opt to pick between the Quattro Formage Lunch Pack made using several cheeses, topped with maple syrup, and sandwiched between slices of bread.

The second flavour is made using chicken complemented by both a cheese mayonnaise sauce and a teriyaki sauce.

This collaboration not only gives customers flavourful snacks in a pack but also gives them a taste of Yamazaki’s fluffy bread.

Yamazaki Baking was established in 1948 and is continuously “developing new technologies for more delicious bread,” their official website states.

According to the company, they develop around 1,000 new bread products yearly to satisfy customer preferences.

“The company’s rigorous quality controls, latest technologies and entrepreneurial spirit are all designed to provide customers with a wide range of bread, including loaf bread, sweet buns, donuts, hard rolls and Danish pastries,” their website states.

Yamazaki has produced 400 million lunch packs in around 150 different varieties, with their Strawberry Jam being the most popular.

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