TOKYO: Japan Foreign Minister KAMIKAWA Yoko told a press conference on Tuesday that Israel’s potential use of nuclear weapons in Gaza “wasn’t at all likely.”
An Israeli defense official reportedly called for the use of nuclear weapons against Gaza, effectively an admission that Israel has nuclear weapons.
“Regarding the statement by the Israeli cabinet member, I am well aware of the report,” Kamikawa replied to a question by Arab News Japan. “Prime Minister Netanyahu said that it is such an outlier statement that doesn’t reflect reality and the cabinet minister will not be allowed to participate in cabinet meetings, as I understand it.”
“Israel already signed the Comprehensive Test Ban Treaty (CTBT) but has not ratified it. Concerning Japan’s position, taking various opportunities we have been canvassing countries for entry into force of the CTBT asking countries to sign and ratify the CTBT.”
Japan is the only country to suffer destruction from atomic bombs. Hiroshima and Nagasaki were largely destroyed in August 1945.
Israel has already dropped the equivalent of both those bombs on the Gaza Strip, according to local reports.