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  • The rainy season in Eastern, Central Japan ends

The rainy season in Eastern, Central Japan ends

People wearing face masks amid concerns of the COVID-19 coronavirus, use umbrellas to shelter from the rain while crossing a street in Tokyo, May 19, 2020. (AFP)
People wearing face masks amid concerns of the COVID-19 coronavirus, use umbrellas to shelter from the rain while crossing a street in Tokyo, May 19, 2020. (AFP)
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01 Aug 2020 01:08:31 GMT9
01 Aug 2020 01:08:31 GMT9

The Japan Meteorological Agency said Saturday that this year’s rainy season seems to have ended in the Kanto-Koshin eastern region, including Tokyo, and the Tokai central region.

The two regions came out of the rainy season eight days later than last year and 11 days later than during the average year.

 A high-pressure system is expected to bring about sunny days in both regions over the coming week, according to the agency.

In Kanto-Koshin, the amount of rainfall during the rainy season, which extends from June 11 to July 31, totaled 642.0 millimeters in Kofu, Yamanashi Prefecture, 612.0 millimeters in Chiba, 462.5 millimeters in Nagano, the levels of rainfallrecorded in these prefectures were more than twice the levels recorded during an average year.

In central Tokyo, rainfall totaled 472.0 millimeters, which was 60 percent higher than average.

In Tokai, rainfall during the rainy season, which extends from June 11 to July 31, amounted to to 1,189.5 millimeters in Shizuoka,  2.3 times the average year’s level, and 635.0 millimeters in Nagoya, 70 percent higher than average.

JIJI Press

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