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Japan govt adopts bill to promote plastic recycling

The system is expected to help reduce the use of plastics and promote the switching to nonplastic materials. (AFP)
The system is expected to help reduce the use of plastics and promote the switching to nonplastic materials. (AFP)
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09 Mar 2021 11:03:03 GMT9
09 Mar 2021 11:03:03 GMT9

TOKYO: The Japanese government adopted at a cabinet meeting Tuesday a bill to promote the recycling of plastic products.

The bill calls for strengthening related measures in the manufacturing, sales and recycling processes for plastic items. Environment Minister Shinjiro Koizumi stressed that the bill is aimed at “creating a society that produces no new plastic waste by 2050.”

The envisaged legislation will introduce a system in which the government sets guidelines on environmental considerations for businesses to follow when they design and produce plastic items and certifies products that meet the guidelines.

The system is expected to help reduce the use of plastics and promote the switching to nonplastic materials.

Convenience stores, restaurants, hotels and others will be obliged to streamline the use of disposal plastic goods, such as straws and spoons, by asking customers whether they will use such items or charging for them.

The bill also calls for creating a system to have local municipalities collect used plastic stationeries and hangers as well as plastic packaging when they pick up recyclable waste.

Under the new legislation, businesses that produce plastic waste at their plants and offices will be obliged to cut the amount of such waste and promote the recycling of plastics.

JIJI Press

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